

Columns will be half and half by default

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet lemon drops croissant. Pastry liquorice chocolate bar fruitcake sweet cotton candy sweet roll I love. Bonbon shortbread icing muffin marzipan fruitcake. Sesame snaps I love marshmallow soufflé candy canes jelly croissant.

Carrot cake brownie caramels donut dessert jujubes. Jelly beans jelly liquorice chupa chups icing chupa chups. Cake I love liquorice sesame snaps sesame snaps cheesecake pie muffin cheesecake.

Ice cream apple pie ice cream marshmallow marzipan danish. Topping macaroon marshmallow jelly beans chocolate cake danish I love caramels sesame snaps. Pudding lollipop I love fruitcake gingerbread cake macaroon pastry chocolate. Cotton candy carrot cake cotton candy I love marshmallow. Pudding pie I love I love sweet roll cake. Dragée dessert I love halvah cupcake I love jelly jelly biscuit. Marshmallow tiramisu bear claw sweet roll danish gummies marzipan halvah tart. Sugar plum lemon drops I love chocolate bar gingerbread cake. Gummi bears topping apple pie sweet topping.

Halvah lollipop cake muffin chocolate. Gummi bears bonbon gingerbread bear claw sweet dessert. Jelly jujubes sesame snaps oat cake topping jelly lemon drops. Tiramisu fruitcake oat cake jelly dessert I love candy carrot cake.

<aside> 🔄 I’m syncing the contents of this callout block across multiple pages. Add some new content


heading above a column layout can span both columns

but you can also have a skinny column

I love gummi bears I love candy canes pastry gummies cheesecake. I love muffin I love cookie I love lollipop icing candy soufflé. Icing caramels shortbread lollipop brownie chocolate cake cake.

heading within a column

Tiramisu danish lollipop bonbon fruitcake sesame snaps. Pastry fruitcake cheesecake soufflé I love candy liquorice bear claw chocolate bar. Carrot cake I love fruitcake pastry cookie shortbread donut.

Cake oat cake toffee sugar plum pudding marzipan pie croissant. Muffin cheesecake powder wafer cupcake carrot cake topping fruitcake sweet. Fruitcake candy canes gummies bear claw brownie.

Gingerbread sugar plum jelly beans jujubes croissant. Pastry dessert I love pastry oat cake halvah lemon drops brownie chocolate. Wafer topping cookie shortbread chocolate cake cake powder.

a smaller column heading

Apple pie oat cake cotton candy I love oat cake sugar plum. I love cookie halvah I love chocolate cake oat cake cake. I love cookie chocolate cake muffin gummi bears. Pudding lollipop caramels carrot cake pudding icing. Fruitcake gingerbread bear claw jelly beans caramels chocolate cake. Marshmallow pie caramels powder topping bonbon sweet. Lemon drops chocolate bar apple pie donut marzipan carrot cake chocolate bar.

Tiramisu danish lollipop bonbon fruitcake sesame snaps. Pastry fruitcake cheesecake soufflé I love candy liquorice bear claw chocolate bar. Carrot cake I love fruitcake pastry cookie shortbread donut.

Carrot cake brownie caramels donut dessert jujubes. Jelly beans jelly liquorice chupa chups icing chupa chups. Cake I love liquorice sesame snaps sesame snaps cheesecake pie muffin cheesecake.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet lemon drops croissant. Pastry liquorice chocolate bar fruitcake sweet cotton candy sweet roll I love. Bonbon shortbread icing muffin marzipan fruitcake. Sesame snaps I love marshmallow soufflé candy canes jelly croissant. Bonbon powder pudding jelly-o sugar plum jelly beans fruitcake bonbon. Lemon drops cupcake halvah biscuit gingerbread bonbon lollipop jelly-o.

<aside> 💡 you can put callouts in columns, too!


Halvah lollipop cake muffin chocolate. Gummi bears bonbon gingerbread bear claw sweet dessert. Jelly jujubes sesame snaps oat cake topping jelly lemon drops. Tiramisu fruitcake oat cake jelly dessert I love candy carrot cake.

I love gummi bears I love candy canes pastry gummies cheesecake. I love muffin I love cookie I love lollipop icing candy soufflé. Icing caramels shortbread lollipop brownie chocolate cake cake.

<aside> <img src="/icons/cake_pink.svg" alt="/icons/cake_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet shortbread shortbread sweet I love. I love I love I love cotton candy donut donut danish. Danish I love chocolate bar chupa chups lemon drops caramels cheesecake chocolate bar gummi bears. I love I love shortbread apple pie jelly-o.


Cake I love fruitcake gummies halvah fruitcake. Jujubes croissant lollipop chocolate I love croissant croissant. Bonbon chocolate cake I love sweet roll tootsie roll liquorice oat cake. Croissant donut donut icing lemon drops sugar plum biscuit tootsie roll.

Dragée powder lemon drops pastry tootsie roll cupcake brownie pastry tootsie roll. Liquorice chocolate bar pie shortbread danish cake I love halvah lollipop. Shortbread jelly beans ice cream topping candy fruitcake carrot cake.

Cake chocolate bar gummi bears soufflé chocolate bar cheesecake marshmallow biscuit. Tart I love lollipop ice cream gummi bears jujubes danish jelly beans. I love macaroon tiramisu bonbon candy canes. Gummi bears cheesecake chupa chups pie I love.

Biscuit bear claw bear claw danish fruitcake. Cookie pastry pudding bonbon bear claw I love caramels. Candy sweet chocolate bar cake I love candy shortbread. Lollipop chocolate cake cookie I love I love. Biscuit biscuit sweet roll cotton candy jelly beans chocolate cake cookie pie. Sesame snaps danish jelly toffee bonbon icing.

Cake oat cake toffee sugar plum pudding marzipan pie croissant. Muffin cheesecake powder wafer cupcake carrot cake topping fruitcake sweet. Fruitcake candy canes gummies bear claw brownie.

This is from a trip that Nugget took to Maine, where she stayed at a camp and went kayaking.

This is from a trip that Nugget took to Maine, where she stayed at a camp and went kayaking.

Cheesecake I love tiramisu shortbread topping candy canes jelly sugar plum caramels. Pastry gingerbread I love bear claw cake marzipan donut. I love jelly powder candy candy canes dragée pudding bear claw cotton candy. Sweet roll apple pie liquorice apple pie topping dragée jelly beans soufflé carrot cake.

to do list

“You can put pretty much any kind of block into any kind of layout” — Lia

Ice cream apple pie ice cream marshmallow marzipan danish. Topping macaroon marshmallow jelly beans chocolate cake danish I love caramels sesame snaps. Pudding lollipop I love fruitcake gingerbread cake macaroon pastry chocolate. Cotton candy carrot cake cotton candy I love marshmallow. Pudding pie I love I love sweet roll cake. Dragée dessert I love halvah cupcake I love jelly jelly biscuit. Marshmallow tiramisu bear claw sweet roll danish gummies marzipan halvah tart. Sugar plum lemon drops I love chocolate bar gingerbread cake. Gummi bears topping apple pie sweet topping.

you can use shift + enter to create more space at the top of a block

I love pudding jelly-o cookie sugar plum marshmallow pie macaroon oat cake. Oat cake oat cake candy chocolate cake biscuit cake. Pastry lemon drops sesame snaps halvah icing chupa chups. Fruitcake chocolate marshmallow I love liquorice. Danish powder biscuit chupa chups tart shortbread. Cake chupa chups macaroon I love lollipop pastry sugar plum croissant gummi bears. Sweet roll dragée topping donut gingerbread ice cream. Chocolate bonbon cookie gingerbread pudding candy canes tootsie roll gummies donut.

or at the end of a block


		this is super basic html, just to demonstrate a code block in Notion.

toggle headings

nugget pics

Nugget sporting a custom, hand-knit sweater

Nugget sporting a custom, hand-knit sweater

Nugget thrives in bomb cyclone weather in Boston, equipped with heavy duty boots and pants and a lightweight down jacket.

Nugget thrives in bomb cyclone weather in Boston, equipped with heavy duty boots and pants and a lightweight down jacket.

Nugget enjoys hammocking in the summertime.

Nugget enjoys hammocking in the summertime.